If you read this blog you are not selfish guy and you care about woman needs and pleasure, using techniques described in previous posts you have chance to a great lover. For your better sex life you need to practice and trying new stuff, your mission as great lover is to give woman explosive orgasm and unforgettable moments but you also need to give this pleasure to yourself. First of all you need to stop premature ejaculation, and you will achieve it by reducing friction because primary cause of premature ejaculation is excessive stimulation (by friction of glands below the head of penis) so you have to reduce the friction.
Reduce the amount of friction once your inside, it sounds boring but it DOESN’T HAVE TO BE, one good move is to gyrate hips slowly or try clockwise circle rotation using penis and of course monitor her reaction, she will told you when you hit the hot spot. Many women usually love slow love this is great technique. Withdraw your penis out for short time while before you feel that you are going to come, cool down period of just 1-2 minute can lead you to possibly 15 minute extra time in sex, use your finger or tongue to maintain her mood while you cool down. Another proven method is to masturbate while before you intend to make love, but if you do this to early you may not be solve the problem, also you can practice trough masturbation so you will find out what works for you(which moves and speed are best for you). Never stop stimulation, just vary the intensity.
Women really do appreciate longer lasting love so premature ejaculation is serious problem in man population and we have to deal whit it.
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